Sunday, June 20, 2010

The wise person always thinks how bring out the fullest potential of people they meet

The most important people are those in your immediate environment right now.  Those are the people you must value.  The wise person considers the special characteristics of each and every person he or she meets and makes it possible for them to bring out their fullest potential.

要珍惜的是如今与自己”有缘的人“。 考虑自己身边每个人的特质,让他们能够充分发挥出才干。这样做才是贤人。

Saturday, June 19, 2010

This moment is the most important

This moment, this instant is important, not some unknown time in the future.  Today, this very day is what matters.  You must put your whole being into the time that exists now.  For future victory rests in the present moment.

重要的并不是何时,而是 “如今” 这瞬间、今天这一天。 要将全副精神倾注在如今此时。“如今” 包含着胜利的未来。

Thursday, June 17, 2010

A life that is always filled with appreciation is a bright and cheerful one

A life that is always filled with appreciation is a bright and cheerful one -- be it when you are meeting with people, when someone gives you a ride in their car, or when you are at home with your family.  Being able to sincerely offer thanks is a sign of living a truly happy life.  Where people embody such a sense of appreciation, they send out waves of happiness that envelop both themselves and others.

能说 “谢谢” 的人是幸福的。与别人见面,搭顺风车或与家人一起,常常能够说 “谢谢” 的人生事明朗的。能从心里说 “谢谢” 的生活是幸福的。而且经常这样说,自他都能扩大喜悦。

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A winner takes constructive effort to turn circumstances into source of value and victory

A life daydreaming about "If only I didn't have this problem or that problem" is a life of failure.  In contrast, one who continually makes constructive efforts, approaching things from the standpoint of "What can I do to overcome these circumstances and turn them into a source of value and victory?" is a winner.

只梦想逃避烦恼, 是败北的生活态度. 相反的, 常想着:"怎样做才能跨越那难题, 转变成价值和胜利", 经常这样向前努力的人才是胜利者。

Those who have thoroughly polished themselves shine with increasing brilliance as the years go by

Those who fail to polish themselves, even though they might possess fame or power, invariably end up in a sad and pitiful state.  In contrast, no matter how ordinary they may appear, those who have thoroughly polished themselves shine with increasing brilliance as the years go by.


Sunday, June 13, 2010

People with rich and generous hearts treasure others and nurture their growth

People with rich and generous hearts treasure others and nurture their growth.  They bring happiness to both themselves and others.  Those who are impoverished of heart make life gloomy by their complaining and criticisms of others.  They make both themselves and others miserable.


One's strength of character is measured by one's practice of self-reflection and self-control under any circumstances

One cannot be a starring player in life if one is easily swayed by one's emotions over every little thing.  Strength of character lies in performing the drama of life with courage and confidence, practising self-reflection and self-control under any circumstances.


While taking problems for granted, exercise wisdom and persevere to achieve victory

There is not a single person who is free of problems or worries.  Nor are there any "trouble-free" families and communities  What matters is what we can take to resolve such problems and worries.  The important thing is to exercise one's wisdom to the fullest and make persistent efforts, while aiming towards the victory that lies beyond one's present problems.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

It takes courage to become happy

It takes courage to become happy -- courage to remain true to one's convictions, courage not to be defeateed by one's weaknesses and negativity, courage to take swift action to help those who are suffering. It is through such daily efforts that your true beauty as a human being shines forth.


Monday, June 7, 2010

Great leaders are those who are able to train their juniors to surpass them

Truly admirable is the person who wants to educate and train his juniors so that they can surpass him.  Such a person is a true asset.  Those who willingly help their juniors to develop and become great individuals, while smilingly supporting and watching over their growth, are great leaders among leaders.

要把后辈培育成为比自己更出色的人才, 以这样的自觉去努力的人才是伟大的,这样的人才是真正的人才。使后辈一个一个伟大地成材,然后泰然自若地为此而欢喜,全心全意照料,给予他们支持的人,才是真正的“大将”之才。